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Warnings: The authenticateThis plugin may be incompatible with this version of Wheels, please look for a compatible version of the plugin
The FlashMessagesBootstrap plugin may be incompatible with this version of Wheels, please look for a compatible version of the plugin
The jsconfirm plugin may be incompatible with this version of Wheels, please look for a compatible version of the plugin
Application: Green60MoonSite
Framework: CFWheels 2.2.0
Environment: Production
Host Name: NTC95BIZ-STL
CFML Engine: Adobe ColdFusion2021,0,13,330286
Data Source: Green60MoonSite
Database Adapter: MySQL
URL Rewriting: On
URL Obfuscation: Off
Plugins: jsconfirm1.0.5
authenticateThis1.0.1 [Run Tests , View Tests ]
Route: Register
Controller: Register
Action: New
Parameters: None
Execution Time: 94ms ( action ~46ms , beforefilters ~16ms , view ~15ms )